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Archive 2023



20 - 24 November 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
41st International Conference on Environmental & Food Monitoring, ISEAC-41

The conference focuses on innovations in analytical techniques covering the environment-food continuum. After a period of pandemic-related absence, ISEAC-41 will provide a great platform to highlight the latest scientific and technological achievements, exchange of out-of-the-box ideas, meet with vendors and discover the latest analytical developments, strengthen existing collaborations and, last but not least, expand your scientific network and initiate new scientific adventures. 
More information on the ISEAC-41 preliminary program can be found here.


9 - 10 October 2023, Barcelona, Spain
ICRAPHE - 4th International Conference on Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment

The Fourth International conference on Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (ICRAPHE) will take place in Barcelona, Spain, next October 9 and 10, 2023. This is a follow up of the First ICRAPHE international conference organized in Paris, September 8-9, 2016, the Second one in Barcelona, 28-29 November 2019 and the Third one (virtual) in Hangzhou, China, 14 October 2022.


The following themes have been selected:

  • Environmental Monitoring including Non Target Analysis, Bioanalytical tools, Sensors and Bioinformatics of Pharma residues and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in the Water Cycle (session 1) 
  • Wastewater-Based Epidemiology for Public Health (session 2)
  • Ecological and Health Effects, Hazards and Risks (session 3)
  • Microplastics as vectors of Pharma Residues in the environment (session 4)
  • Degradation and Innovative Remediation Technologies (session 5)

Abstract submission: Abstract for oral or poster presentation should be submitted through the on-line system in the conference website
Oral presentations: From 1 December 2022 - 1 May 2023
Poster presentations: From 1 December 2022 - 1 September 2023



10 - 14 September 2023, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Dioxin 2023 - 43rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

Dioxin 2023 will focus on the science of dioxins and additional persistent organic pollutants following major advances in analytical determination, the understanding of emission, transport, fate, degradation, toxic behaviour, regulations, along with the growing attention in developing countries and global pollution issues. Up to 1000 delegates are expected to register for the event, classically representing more than 500 abstracts (200 are oral presentations and 300 are posters) presented in up to 5 parallel sessions during 4 days. In conjunction with the Symposia, there will be an exhibition involving instrumentation, chemical products, accessories, analytical companies, scientific journals, legal entities, research centres.

Early Registration closes: 30 June 2023

Session topics



11 - 15 September 2023, Prague, Czech Republic
AquaConSoil 2023

AquaConSoil is a bi-yearly event where scientists, policy- and decision makers and industry representatives gather to learn, share and engage on sustainable use and management of soil, sediment and water resources. Since 1985 we welcome approximately 800 visitors from all over and outside Europe. The 2023 ACS conference will address 5 topics:

  • Topic 1 - Water and soil resource recovery in the context of Circular Economy and European Green Deal
  • Topic 2 - Soil-water-sediment system contribution to climate change adaptation and mitigation
  • Topic 3 - Sustainable remediation, emerging contaminants and prevention towards zero pollution
  • Topic 4 - Water and Soil in the digital world
  • Topic 5 - Tools and systems Thinking Approaches to manage complexity in sustainable soil-water-sediment systems

The deadline for abstract submission is 31 January 2023

More information at


7-11 August 2023, Montreal, Canada
International Conference on Collaborative Solutions to Environmental Problems under Climate Change

This is the 6th annual conference of the global Network on Persistent, Emerging and Organic Pollution in the Environment (PEOPLE Network;, and co-hosted with Memorial University and the Concordia Institute of Water, Energy and Sustainable Systems of Concordia University, along with partners including the University of the Arctic and the International Water Association Young Water Professionals Canada (IWA-YWP Canada), and special issues from supporting Journals Environmental Systems Research (Springer Nature), Marine Pollution Bulletin (Elsevier), and Water (MDPI).

This event welcomes scientists, regulators, practitioners, and community representatives who are interested in seeking and developing collaborative solutions to environmental programs from traditional to emerging ones worldwide under the changing climate. We are calling for collaborative efforts on research, development, education and engagement for improved knowledge and better solutions. “People create environmental problems, and our PEOPLE help find the solutions!”.

Call for Abstracts


More information at


11 - 15 June 2023, Venice, Italy
ICCE 2023 - 18th International Conference

The conference will provide a unique and inspiring information and communication platform for environmental scientists and a forum of professional exchange in the field of environmental chemistry and related disciplines. An interesting programme of social events will accompany the Conference. In addition, several satellite events will be associated with the Conference for in-depth discussion, seminars and workshops on highly relevant selected topics.

Registration: 30 April 2023

Abstract submission: 24 March 2023

More information at


11 June 2023, Venice, Italy
Challenges in Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Micro- and Nanoplastics Analysis – ICCE 2023 Satellite event

In this Satellite event, we will present and discuss a series of concepts, examples and recommendations how to translate and implement established QA/QC tools into MP analysis of complex matrices. These include among others the selection and use of different surrogate standards (e.g. coloured, isotope-labelled, fluorescent or metal doped) along different steps of the analytical chain to account for, e.g., extraction, pyrolysis or imaging efficiency, the development and use of controls such as fresh and aged MP standards and spiked reference materials, as well as inter-laboratory comparisons and ring trials. Whenever possible, one should resort to complementary analytical approaches based in orthogonal instrumentation and detection principles, and determine concentrations based on both on number and mass concentration, and in combination with size distribution. Figures of merits of any validated analytical method include method detection limits, blank levels, (linear) concentration ranges, repeatability and reproducibility, recoveries, matrix effects, etc. Their determination and reporting should (even) more regularly become good analytical practise among analytical chemists investigating MP in complex matrices.

More information at


30 April - 4 May 2023, Dublin, Ireland (hybrid event)
SETAC Europe 33rd Annual meeting

The Scientific Committee for the SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting is committed to putting together a not-to-be-missed conference with an exciting scientific programme addressing the overarching theme of “Data-driven environmental decision-making” for the protection and restoration of the environment. To support the transition to renewable economies and sustainable business practices, and to facilitate the translation of scientific knowledge into data-driven policy making and regulation, SETAC Europe 2023 will bring together scientists from various disciplines in academia, business/industry and government to share, debate, discuss, disseminate and facilitate the use and re-use of their most recent scientific knowledge to support adaptive and responsive environmental management and protection.

The breadth of topics that SETAC Europe 2023 will address:

  • The environmental fate and effects of emerging and existing pollutants and their mixtures, at cellular, organism, community, population and ecosystem levels;
  • The development of solutions to reduce, replace and regulate the use of known pollutants;
  • Strategies and methods to mitigate and remediate contaminated soil, air and water;
  • Innovations to foster more sustainable practices in agriculture, waste treatment, resource management and more; and
  • Life cycle thinking approaches including supply chain data collection, impact assessment modelling and footprinting methodologies.


Abstract submission: 30 November 2022


7-8 February 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden
Workshop on Achieving Zero Pollution of Persistent ad Mobile Substances

ZeroPM presents the first workshop on Achieving Zero Pollution of Persistent and Mobile Substances - Prevention through Chemical Alternatives, Policy Action and Market Transition. The workshop will profile three topics: chemical alternatives assessment, policy actions and strategies to catalyse a market transition. Presentations and breakout sessions will be held by leading experts in these fields from diverse sectors, along with ZeroPM consortium members. We invite industry representatives, investors, water suppliers, researchers, NGO's, policy makers and enforcers to join ZeroPM in its mission towards a toxic free environment.
