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Archive 2021
25-26 March 2021, online workshop
Third PMT Workshop: Getting control of PMT and vPvM substances under REACH
The German Environment Agency (UBA) and the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) are pleased to invite you to the third PMT workshop. The workshop will bring together regulators, the chemical industry, the water sector, NGOs and scientists.
The workshop will focus on getting control of known and emerging PMT/vPvM substances and will give attention to regulatory, industry and academic developments.
9-12 June 2021, Bern, Switzerland
ContaSed2021 2nd International Conference on Contaminated Sediments
Sediments are sources and sinks of contaminants, and play an important role in mediating pollutants across compartments of ecosystems. Following ContaSed2015, ContaSed2021 will focus on organic and inorganic sediment contaminant classes including microplastics, emerging contaminants, heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants.
Contributions dealing with empirical or modelling studies are invited to the following sessions:
- Session 1: From source to sink: transport and deposition of contaminants in sediments
- Session 2: Assessing risks of contaminants in sediments: methodologies and ecotoxicological case studies
- Session 3: Analytical tools and methods for assessing sediment contamination
- Session 4: Fate of contaminants in depositional settings
- Session 5: Sediments as archives of historical pollution
For further information:
21-25 June 2021, Milan, Italy
IWA EcoSTP 2020 “Impacting the environment with innovation in wastewater treatment”
The conference will bring together stakeholders involved in the water sector to promote a paradigm shift in wastewater treatment and management with a special focus on sustainability and circular economy. IWA EcoSTP 2020 will deal with innovative technologies, approaches and practices aimed at transforming wastewater treatment plants in the heart and driver of future major changes for environment, society and economy.
Conference topics:
- Innovative technologies, approaches and STP layouts for sustainable wastewater treatment, resource recovery and wastewater reuse
- Strategies for energy consumption and carbon footprint minimization in wastewater treatment
- Occurrence, fate and removal of contaminants of emerging concern, including micro- and nano-plastics and antibiotic resistance, in wastewater and sludge
- Natural-based solutions for resilient and smart wastewater treatment and management
- Monitoring, modelling and control for effective process management, optimization and scale-up, also based on advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence
- Digitalization and emerging ICT technologies for a new deal in water cycle
- The wastewater biorefinery from lab to full scale: technical, economic and regulatory issues
- Preservation of ecosystem quality and human health through risk based approaches
- Economics of wastewater treatment and management
- Integrated assessment for wastewater treatment and management under Life Cycle Thinking
For further information:
1 September 2021, Berlin, Germany and online (hybrid)
Advancements of Analytical Techniques for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of more than 4700 chemical compounds originating from anthropogenic sources. PFAS have been used extensively in a variety of products and industries, due to their high chemical stability and resistance towards degradation by heat or corrosion. On the downside, these chemical properties imply non-degradability and PFAS have been increasingly linked to cause severe illnesses. As a result, the presence of these compounds in plants and animals especially in areas close to industrial and military locations and the human body all around the world has been recognized as a major challenge for future remediation work.
The main goal of the workshop will be the discussion of advantages and drawbacks of current state-of-the-art methods in contrast to various novel and less well-known techniques for PFAS analytics.
You will find updates of the event on the event website:
The final program and the registration link will be published in summer 2021. The event is free of charge.
1-4 September 2021, Athens, Greece
17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2021)
Over the last 30 years the Organising Committee supported CEST conference by organizing the “Emerging Contaminants” session and acted as a convener and as Guest Editor of special issues of the Journal of Hazardous Materials and Chemosphere. This year, CEST2021 topics will cover all the latest trends in Environmental Science and Technology and basic fields of research. The sessions are divided in nine thematic areas:
- Water and wastewater treatment and reuse
- Environmental management and policies
- Environmental pollution
- Analysis of environmental systems
- Environmental health
- Innovative environmental solutions
- Hydrology and water resources
- Waste management
- Ecology and ecosystem management
Deadline for submission of abstracts for an oral or poster presentation: 31 January 2021
More information about the event, the registration and submission of abstracts at
13-14 September 2021, virtual
EmCon 2021, the 7th International Conference on Emerging Contaminants
This event will be held virtually on September 13-14, 2021, where you can expect to hear the latest research news and discoveries about many classes of emerging environmental contaminants and their management. We welcome you to EmCon where you can virtually reconnect with old colleagues and meet new friends from around the world while discussing your exciting research and ideas together as a community.
EmCon 2021 will cover all aspects of emerging contaminant research while emphasizing cutting edge and novel research on microplastics, biomolecules, roadway runoff, transformation products, ecotoxicology, advanced mass spectrometry and other new analytical techniques, and new emerging contaminants as conference themes. We have an excellent group of keynote speakers lined up, and we look forward to your hearing your science and contributions to these areas. You can expect scientific talks, a virtual poster session, a round of lightning talks, "what went wrong in lab" stories and opportunities for informal meetups. Pre-recorded content will allow both synchronous and asynchronous attendance and interaction.
Deadline for abstract submission: 26 June 2021
Please e-mail to submit your abstract
More information available here
4-8 October 2021, Erding / Munich, Germany and on-line
International Conference on Non-Target Screening (ICNTS21)
NTS users from all over the world and vendors from the field of instrumental analysis will present their latest results and applications in keynote lectures, lecture sessions and poster sessions.
This conference will promote discussion on NTS main topics, such as:
- NTS in Products of Daily Use,
- NTS in Doping and Forensics,
- NTS in Environmental Analysis,
- NTS in Food(omics),
- NTS in Metabolomics,
- NTS in (Pharmaceutical and Chemical) Process Monitoring,
- NTS in Commercial Solutions,
- Computational Mass Spectrometry,
- NTS with Quality Standards, Data Standardization and Harmonization
Abstract Submission deadline: 31 May 2021
For further information click here
4-5 November 2021, online
12th International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium online
The IPSW platform helps communication of important topics on the use of the latest techniques for passive sampling of undesirable substances, but also to develop educational activities that are part of various projects.
Key topics:
- Passive sampling methods and policy
- Environmental applications and monitoring with passive samplers
- Development of novel passive sampling devices
- Toxicity assessment-based on passive sampling methods
- Key aspects for QA/QC, accreditation, data treatment and interpretation
- Passive sampling to support environmental policy
The Early bird registration and abstract submission are open to the 30 September 2021.
For further information click here
17 November 2021, Mülheim/Ruhr, Germany and on-line
3rd Water JPI Conference
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is host of the 3rd Water JPI Conference in Mülheim a.d.R. on 17th November 2021. The aim of the international conference is to foster the transfer from coordinated research and cooperation with the practice, e.g. end-users and policy makers.
The main focus of the conference lies on “pollutants, pathogens and antimicrobial resistances in the water cycle”. European and international experts will meet and discuss common challenges and share their recent discoveries and knowledge. For this reason, European institutions and representatives of the national governments, European politicians and the European Commission will be present.
Experts from different European countries and Water JPI member countries offer insights into their projects at the transfer event. They will report on challenges and solutions from the perspective of research and practice. Two parallel sessions will deal with the topics “Chemicals” and “Pathogens and AMR”. Plenty of time is planned for discussions and exchanging experiences. The event aims at international researchers, practitioners from companies and authorities as well as politicians. Up to 180 participants are expected to attend the event in the city hall of Mülheim / Ruhr.
For further information click here