Who should be part of the network?
All interested stakeholders dealing with emerging substances – whether in studying their occurrence and effects or risk assessment and risk management:
- Competent authorities / Reference laboratories: i.e. institutes and organisations designated by the competent authorities at the national level to offer technical and scientific support in specific fields related to environmental protection.
- Research centres and academia.
- Industry stakeholders.
- Government institutions and standardisation bodies.
Are you involved in research on the occurrence and environmental effects of emerging substances? Or are you concerned with the assessment and management of the risks associated with them? If so, you are a potential stakeholder in the NORMAN network.
If you are interested in this initiative, which has attracted a membership of more than 80 leading laboratories and authorities across Europe, North America and Asia, please contact:
Ms.Valeria DULIO,
Executive Secretary of the NORMAN network
INERIS, Direction Scientifique
Rue Jacques Taffanel – Parc Technologique ALATA
F-60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte,
E-mail address: valeria.dulio@ineris.fr