How to use it?

This tool allows for conversion of StdInChIKey, Substance name, CAS No. and SusDat ID among each other.

  1. Copy a set of values which are to be converted (CAS Nos. or Substance names or StdInChIKeys or SusDat IDs) in the text area below – each value in a separate row (e.g. copy paste from an Excel file).
  2. Click 'Search' – all unique curated identifiers as stored in SusDat will be displayed. By selecting the box 'Text exactly' only exact match of the value as inserted will be performed. Otherwise, all entries containing the value will be shown (e.g. atrazine, deethylatrazine etc.).
  3. Select substances of interest by checking them individually in the tick box on the left side of the screen or all by click on '(un)Check All'.
  4. Select 'Copy SusDat ID to Clipboard' – the selected SusDat IDs can then be pasted for direct search in various NDS modules and prioritisation tools, or for any external use.
  5. If interested in direct search in EMPODAT, select 'Copy to Chemical Occurrence Data' – this will automatically fill out the query 'Substance' in EMPODAT. After completion of other queries (e.g. country, matrix etc.), the set of substances can be directly searched in the database.