The Ecotoxicology Database contains – for substances listed in the NORMAN Substance Databaseexperimental endpoints from ecotox tests as well as quality targets from different regulatory contexts.

The term Lowest PNECs refers to quality targets which are suggested by experts for prioritisation purposes. They are obtained experimentally or predicted by QSAR models. The Ecotoxicology Database provides a transparent tool to help experts in:

  1. the identification of the reliable ecotoxicity studies, based on the CRED (Criteria for Reporting and Evaluating ecotoxicity Data) classification system;
  2. the online derivation of Quality Targets for each matrix and regulatory framework based on selected ‘reliable’ ecotoxicity studies, using a built-in software tool implementing the requirements of the EC guidelines;
  3. the compilation of all existing Quality Targets from different regulatory frameworks;
  4. the final selection of the Lowest PNEC value for substance prioritisation purposes, agreed upon as a result of Europe-wide expert consultations.

No. of substances in the database:

(*) Experimental and predicted Lowest PNECs, which were voted by NORMAN ecotoxicology experts are addressed as 'verified'.