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Archive 2018




16-17 January 2018, Brussels, Belgium
Final conference of the EU research project MARS: Managing multiple stress for multiple benefits in aquatic ecosystems

Over the last four years, the EU research project MARS investigated into multi-stress effects on European surface waters, supporting their management under the Water Framework Directive. 

At this final two-days conference the MARS key results and recommendations are presented:

  • The 'Scientific Event' (Tuesday, January 16) summarises and reviews the main project outcomes within the context of aquatic multi-stressor research.
  • The 'Management & Policy Event' (Wednesday, January 17) introduces into MARS products (guidance, tools) and discusses effective river basin management and policy under multi-stress conditions.

The conference addresses applied scientists, water managers and administrators, as well as policy-makers and executives.

The scientific conference is open to the public on January 16 +17 (Tuesday+Wednesday).
The MARS internal meeting for project partners only is on January 15 + 18 (Monday+Thursday).

Registration until 6 November 2017 at:


More information here

4-6 June 2018, Rennes, France
5th European Doctoral College on Environment and Health 

The EDCEH is jointly organised by Irset (Research Institute for Environmental and Occupational Health – Inserm UMR 1085) and EHESP-School of Public Health. This event is open to PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, as well as to researchers. It aims to promote Environmental Health, at both the research and education levels, in France and in other European countries. Entitled "Endocrine Disruptors: an Update", the 2018 edition of the EDECH offers an attractive scientific programme covering important and relevant aspects of endocrine disruption.

This event is a very good opportunity, notably for PhD students, to present on-going work and to freely and fruitfully exchange with the scientific community in this field.


For more details please go to

25-28 June 2018, Oslo, Norway
6th International Conference on emerging environmental contaminants (EmCon2018)

EmCon and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) are pleased to invite you to the next international conference in the EmCon series meeting where we bring together scientists to present and discuss the latest research on all aspects regarding emerging contaminants.

This conference provides an excellent forum for presenting the latest research on all aspects related to the rapidly evolving topic of emerging contaminants across all environmental compartments (e.g. surface water, groundwater, bed sediment, soil, air, tissue, etc.). Contributions are sought on the sources and exposure pathways, treatment processes and technologies, sampling, analytical methods and approaches, effects in aquatic and terrestrial environments, risk assessment and management and the regulations and policy relating to all aspects of emerging contaminants.


For more details please go to

26-27 June 2018, Barcelona, Spain
14th Annual LC/MS/MS workshop on Environmental Applications and Food Safety

The main objective of the workshop is to evaluate practical aspects of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometric techniques applied for screening and quantitation of organic contaminants in environmental and food samples.

The program will feature a mixed format, with keynote lectures from invited speakers - leaders in the field, along with shorter oral and poster presentations from workshop participants with special consideration for young researchers.

The following practical aspects and state of the art applications will be discussed:

  • Advantages, comparison and complementarities of cutting edge tandem and hybrid MS technology in the quantitative and qualitative analysis of complex environmental and food samples
  • Advanced sample preparation techniques for food and environmental analysis
  • From target analysis, suspect screening to non-target analysis
  • Large number of applications in environmental and food analyses
  • Broad range of contaminants and their degradates
  • Analysis and assessment of risks associated to emerging contaminants, such as nanomaterials (organic and inorganic), perfluoroalkylated substances, personal care products and pharmaceuticals used in human and veterinary medicine including hormones, among others.


For more details please go to

26-31 August 2018, Krakow, Poland
38th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) & 10th International PCB Workshop – DIOXIN 2018

The Dioxin Symposium and International PCB Workshop are recognized as the leading international POPs meetings for scientists and regulators. This year, apart from the International PCB Workshop, the Dioxin Symposium will also host the Pre-Dioxin Students Session “All POPs & Pseudo-POPs”, five major Special Sessions (Biodetection Methods for POPs and Related Food and Environmental Contaminants; Environmental Persistence, Analytical Methods and Risk of Human and Veterinary Pharmaceuticals that can act as pseudo-POPs; European Food Safety Authority Special Session: EFSA Risk Assessments of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Food and Feed; Legacy and Emerging Fluorinated Organic Compounds Update and Progress in Industrial Technology and Sustainable Chemistry to Phase out and Control POPs) and  traditional sessions throughout the meeting. 

Call for abstracts


For more details please go to

13-14 September 2018, Aachen, Germany
11th BioDetectors Conference 2018

You are invited to attend and actively participate (Presentation or Poster) to the 11th BioDetectors Conference 2018.

The meeting will bring together scientists involved in the development and application of in vitro effect-based bioanalysis technologies.


10-12 October 2018, Limassol, Cyprus
XENOWAC II 2018 Conference

Nireas International Water Research Center (Nireas-IWRC) of the University of Cyprus is proud to announce the XENOWAC II conference, a decade after the first XENOWAC conference (XENOWAC I) took place in Cyprus in March 2009. The Conference embraces the work performed in the framework of NEREUS COST Action ES1403 and H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015/675530 ANSWER, both coordinated by Nireas-IWRC

The conference will address the following topics:

  • A new perspective on wastewater contaminants – Is it about time to look for THE contaminant?
  • The deeper we look . . . the more numerous the risks are?
  • Wastewater once . . . wastewater forever?
  • How can we create a Blue Circle Society?

For more details please go to

28-31 October 2018, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland
Nano and microplastics in technical and freshwater systems

Microplastics in technical and natural systems are evident worldwide calling for an in-depth understanding of the implications of these pollutants. Leading scientists studying sources, releases, uptake and toxicity of microplastics alongside with representatives from industry and government will provide context as to how these materials are used today and how they may be regulated in the future.

The conference will be limited to a maximum of 120 participants (including invited speakers and organizers). In case of overbooking, participants with an accepted abstract will have priority.

For more details please go to

5-6 November 2018, Paris, France
Symposium – How new experimental tools in life sciences challenge the 3Rs vision?

Developments of techniques in chemistry, physics, bioengineering, or big data analysis, in association with improvements in the understanding of biological mechanisms, yielded a bloom of new tools for experimental approaches in life sciences. In vivo, in silico and in vitro studies benefit from tools such as OMICs, organoids, bio-artificial organs, use of ex-vivo material, telemetry and non invasive measurements, imaging in vivo and on cellular material. They also make it possible to use both human and animal data, with clinical or epidemiological approaches, in pathological or healthy situations. Some tools are so innovative that, beyond Replacing, Reducing or Refining existing approaches, they provide totally new information. Besides they offer opportunities to bridge presently separated scientific communities.

FRANCOPA, the French component of ECOPA (European platform for promotion of the 3R principle), organises this symposium to illustrate the tremendous potential offered by the new tools for investigation in life sciences. This symposium will allow the stakeholders from the four pillars of ECOPA to discuss new ways to structure the ethical debate on experiments, at a time where the new tools soften the distinction between experiment and observation, as well as they break some borders between disciplines.


For more details please go to

19-23 November 2018, Lanzarote, Spain
International Conference

While the impacts of microplastics in marine ecosystems have been reported in the literature since the 1970s, many questions remain open. MICRO 2018 provides an opportunity to share available knowledge, fill in gaps, identify new questions and research needs, and develop commitments to operationalise solutions; MICRO 2018 will be a chance to reconvene, share what we have learned, and generate momentum for the work that remains to be done.

Main topics to be addressed include:

  • Marine Ecosystems;
  • Freshwater bodies;
  • From Macro to Nano;
  • Social change and behaviour;
  • Human health;
  • Policy.

For more details please go to